Crappie Blog

Acreman tackles tournament schedule head on
March 21, 2024By Greg McCain Bryce Acreman, one of the youngest members of the ACC Crappie Stix pro staff, has taken on the tournament scene at full speed over the last two years. Starting from scratch in terms of tournament experience, the Louisiana angler and his father, Jeff, have competed on just about every level, from local…read more

Crappie spawn: Early or not, the time has arrived
March 7, 2024By Greg McCain The initial days of March signal a much-anticipated time for crappie fishermen around the country. The traditional crappie spawn is just around the corner. While certain regions enjoy earlier bedding activity – sections of Florida and Texas come to mind – other areas of the country feature a spawn that typically begins…read more

Unconventional Tactics Triumph: ACC Crappie Stix Pros Secure Wins with Shallow Water
February 19, 2024The calendar may read February, but ACC Crappie Stix pro staffers are finding success on shallow fish despite the relatively early date. In tournament competition last Saturday (Feb. 10), both Matt Xenos, of Tennessee, and Wesley Miller, of Louisiana, discovered eagerly feeding crappie in relatively shallow water. Both came away with tournament wins as a…read more