Amazing article!
No, not this one but we do have some amazing articles headed our way. We will be doing informative blogs from our field staff
and the guys that are amazing at the YouTube videos. We are doing maybe 1 or 2 a week and see if you fine folks will read them.
I’m thinking and hoping that we will have some great material that will teach, engage and entertain you. These articles won’t come
off as commercials for any brand but will give tips on rod, reel and line sizes, weights etc. So we will mention ACC rods so you will know
which rod is being used for each technique. I get asked about those things quite often.
Rods are on the way! Yes, we are out of several rod models and I apologize about that. We are working very hard on trying to NOT run out
of the most popular models but sometimes that changes and we get stuck out on a limb with too many of one rod and not enough of another.
We are also constantly changing and improving the rods as we trail blaze forward. We take chances and hope that you will come along and enjoy
the ride. So far you have stuck it out with us and we truly appreciate all you do. We are getting in new stores weekly it seems.
I hope you have had a great winter so far and the fish have cooperated with you. As always you are welcome to submit questions to [email protected] or topics you would
like to hear about and we will try our best to answer these questions. We have caps on the way so look on the website and show your support with a good looking
ACC Crappie Stix cap. I am very picky about caps so I try very hard to get high quality caps.
Well, keep an eye out for the next blog it will most likely be from Matt from “3 pound fishing”. He fishes a power plant lake in southern, IL and does great, informative
YouTube videos so give him a subscribe and I promise you will learn a thing or 2.
Oh, we will be doing a show in Eastern Tennessee. We are excited about this one and it starts Jan 24 and runs for 4 days. Hope we get to see you there.
Remember to take those kiddos fishing (when it warms up) and be safe and courteous on the water.
Check us out on Instagram and Facebook (you’ll figure out how to find us). Also subscribe to our awesome newsletter at website. Just wait a few seconds and
it will pop up. This is where you will be the first to know about upcoming blog posts (except for this one) and rod shipments. Thanks and be good. Andy Lehman