5 Reasons for a Spring trip.
There are many reasons to travel and fish. Just the idea of packing for a fishing trip excites me. I do miss being home while I’m
away but I try to remember how important it is to get away and de-stress. So here are the top 5 reasons to pack up with a buddy
or wife and hit the open road in search of the monster slabs we all love to catch.
5. Better weather. If your in the middle or Northern section of the good’ol U.S.A. then March and even April are not usually the
greatest months for fishing and or enjoying being outdoors. Massive fronts, storms and cold weather still dominate the weather
app on your phone and the Crappie are not cooperating. Pack up your game and head down south!
4. Learn new technique. I am planning on Trolling (Spider rigging) more in the future and there is no better place to learn this
amazing technique than the great state of Mississippi. These lakes produce mean monsters that will make you look like an amateur
if you are not prepared. Also, Grenada, Sardis and Washington are set up to be trolled. The big fish just don’t relate to cover much of the time
and the 3 pound slabs are generally fooled by fisherman who cover open water and know how to spider rig. You may also want to try a clear water lake,
a stained lake, a shallow river system or a deep lake up north. There are so many different kinds of fisheries and ways to chase these Crappies
it is criminal to only fish one lake or stick to one technique.
3. Another common reason we travel is to get away from a lake that is fishing bad for the time being. Maybe it’s flooded or too muddy or for whatever reason
just not producing. We don’t always need to abandon our lake when the going gets tough but if the lake down the road is on fire no reason not to go get in on the fun.
2. Tournaments. I just thought about this one. Lots of anglers love to travel and fish the Crappie tournaments. What a great way to learn from some of the best.
There are many extremely friendly/approachable teams that will talk fishin’ with you. The camaraderie is thick when you get to know these fine folks. Also it’s not
that expensive to go fish a tournament or two. The amount of knowledge you will absorb is priceless. You will learn how to fish different bodies of water and learn how to
find fish and cover water among many other skills.
1. And the number one reason we travel to fish is simply TO GET AWAY! Leave the job, the responsibilities (I’m not gonna say Wife cause that would be sexist and not
sound very nice). Nothin’ better than a fishing trip with a buddy to re-boot the system and get back to the basics. Thanks for reading and have a great Spring. Take those kiddos
fishing and wear your damn life jacket. Thanks. Andy lehman.