Here we are!

Well it is upon is in a rather abrupt manner.
Not much of a nice cool fall, as we apparently decided to go straight to winter.
However, the Crappie do seem to like the colder weather as it definitely triggers the fall feast. Fish will move shallow for a few weeks before they decide to hide out in the winter depths, which means now is an ideal time for catching monster Crappie with your ACC Crappie Stix.
The bait is shallow and so the Crappie must follow. Those big fish tend to lose their finicky behavior they have during summer months. They will readily inhale a jig with a vengeance. They don’t prefer live bait and they don’t lightly take it from you.
This is the best time for the fisherman that live for the “THUMP“! This is where I fit in. Stake beds, brush piles and stump rows become crowded with hungry Crappie looking for a lethargic meal of Shad.
So, if you’re not busy sitting in a tree go get on the water and feel the hammer of a beast of a Crappie. Bundle the kids up, take some hand warmers, some chicken noodle soup in a thermos and go get after it. And remember to take your unbeatable crappie fishing rods with you. Thank you for reading. Andy.