Category: Blog Posts

Team Phillips. An Introduction.

August 6, 2018

If you have remotely followed the Crappie Masters or Crappie USA, you have heard of these two; Jonathan and Alicia Phillips. They also help out in a huge capacity to run the Central Alabama Crappie Club, a trail designed to teach anyone who wants to learn how to become better at Crappie fishing. As a…read more


July 31, 2018

Use live bait! I know, I like jigs myself but I am not driving to the lake to be hard headed and catch 10% of the fish I should have. This time of year there is a BIIIIG difference in minnows vs. jigs. On some of our clearer lakes I would say it is 10…read more

Not about the fish??? WTH?

July 24, 2018

Yep you heard me right, most of the time for me anyway it’s not about the fish. That’s what we think it’s all about but it can really mean more than that. How about talking to your best friend since grade school on the water as opposed to sitting in a bar? Packing sandwiches with…read more