Category: Blog Posts

The old man on the bank.

November 13, 2018

Many boat fisherman like to snub their noses at the guy fishing from the bank for some reason. In reality a lot of those guys have caught more Crappie from a boat than most of us ever will. They may just not feel like dragging the boat to the lake every day or maybe it…read more

Made in China but………

October 27, 2018

Yes, ACC Crappie Stix are made in China. My daughter and I recently returned home from a trip to China to see our factories. No sweat shops, no children working in them, no horrid conditions just a group of good people trying to climb the rung from poverty to middle class via hard work. Jut…read more

New rods on the way!

October 25, 2018

Man, it is a stress full thing to wait on rods especially when customers have pre-ordered them. I was told they will arrive in my shop on Monday October 29. So, that means they will be here Tuesday or Wednesday. We will be back in stock fully on all models. I can’t wait. There is…read more