Category: Blog Posts

5 Tips for taking a kid fishing.

July 17, 2018

There is nothing better than watching a kid smile after catching a fish. Truly one of the happiest moments you can experience. However, it can be demanding to have a couple of young impatient kids in the boat on a slow day. So here’s a couple of quick tips. Plan on a short trip. Don’t…read more

Time flies and Summer was here!

July 10, 2018

I have gone too long once again. I am sorry I know a lot of you really enjoy this blog as did I. It is much easier to write during the cold nasty months when we are stuck inside with shorter days. Enough excuses right. This will be short and sweet. I just want to…read more

It’s been a while.

May 7, 2018

It’s been a long time since last blog post. It’s also been a while since I’ve gone fishing. Not good on either account. However, great things are happening at ACC. We have a new warehouse. Nothing too big or too fancy just plenty of room and the ability to receive freight with the ease of…read more