Category: Blog Posts

Post-Spawn on Toledo Bend

May 5, 2021

By Greg McCain Toledo Bend covers 165,000 acres on the Texas-Louisiana border. It’s best known as a bass-fishing destination and certainly deserves that reputation. Yet plenty of locals know the potential of Toledo Bend as a crappie-fishing paradise. When the crappie begin to move away from the spawning areas, Keith Acker knows exactly where to…read more

New fisheries demand advance prep, time on the water

May 4, 2021

By Greg McCain Breaking down a new fishery is something common to crappie fishing. While some fishermen stick with the comfort of home waters, others like the challenge of new and different venues. Competition also takes crappie anglers away from home sweet home and forces them to adjust to unfamiliar settings. So what is the…read more

Rend Lake Buckbrush: Love it or hate it

April 21, 2021

By Greg McCain Fred Mooney acknowledges a love-hate relationship with the buckbrush on Rend Lake. The gnarly plant is a crappie haven in the spring, providing the best of habitat for spawning purposes. Few lakes have as much buckbrush as Rend, the 18,900-acre fishery in southern Illinois. “It’s basically what made Rend Lake famous,” said…read more