Tag: Spider Rigging For Crappie

Merry Christmas!!!

December 17, 2017

  I just wanted to tell you all how insanely fortunate and grateful I am to have you all as friends and customers. I have started this business from nothing and after years of grinding away I have reached a point that I can be proud of. Don’t mistake me, I still have so much…read more


December 10, 2017

  Hey you. Yeah, you. Don’t give up yet and don’t winterize your boat! This can be the best time of year for the big Crappie to stack up on stump rows and brush piles. Generally speaking, we don’t catch a lot of small fish this time of year. During the summer the same spots…read more

All alone?

December 2, 2017

  I have a few very good fishing buddies. OK, maybe three — aside from my beloved crappie fishing rods. It is not easy to find someone you can spend eight hours in a boat with, much less multiple days on a fishing trip. I used to love going it alone. I have always had…read more