Category: Uncategorized

ACC staffers set Okeechobee standard
February 12, 2024By Greg McCain While much of the country endures the vagaries of winter fishing, Florida continues to crank out big catches of crappie. A week after Florida angler Nick Whitten and his partner sacked a megabag on the St. Johns River, said to be the biggest ever in the Sunshine State, two other ACC Crappie…read more

Fall foliage and fishing: a natural combination
October 3, 2022By Greg McCain ACC Crappie Stix owner Andy Lehman isn’t a native to east Tennessee, but a variety of factors led him to move the business to the region earlier this year. Significant among those reasons are the epic scenery and the crappie fishing that Andy now enjoys on a regular basis as he explores…read more

Take a Kid Fishing
May 12, 2022By Greg McCain The word hooked has multiple meanings in fishing. Fish are not the only things that get hooked. The concept of “getting hooked” applies to people also, and the idea particularly impacts children, many of whom experience the angling addiction from a very early age. Many parents recall the time when the fishing…read more