Category: Blog Posts
High barometer
December 11, 2016Lotsof discussions are had about high pressure and the effect it has on fish. I do know for a fact that is has immense control over how fish behave. I’m not going I to a boring scientific explanation here but I will tell you that I have kept logs during my years as a Crappie…read more
Enjoy the cold.
December 10, 2016My absolute favorite time of the year to Crappie fish is the Fall/Winter. Don’t get me wrong I still do love the Spring and summer bite but catching Lots of big Crappie is a lot easier now than any other time of the year. During the cold the Crappie tend to stack up on stake…read more
Jump off the cliff.
December 4, 2016Do not be afraid to jump. Most people are very afraid to fail and take that leap. If we let ourselves become paralyzed by fear we would never accomplish anything. I have failed many times and had I let that define me than ACC Crappie Stix would not exist . Most people have great ideas…read more