Category: Blog Posts

5 top patterns at ACC Owners Tournament
November 26, 2020By Greg McCain The play-the-wind pattern dominated the first ACC Crappie Stix Owners Tournament on Lake Fork. A cold front swept through east Texas and brought sustained winds of about 20 mph with gusts up to about 30. While the cold that accompanied the front didn’t set in until after the tournament, the wind played…read more

Lone Star Warriors Outdoors
November 23, 2020By Greg McCain Almost all combat veterans experience PTSD to some degree. The stress of combat exerts its influence over some soldiers for weeks and months. For others, PT (post traumatic stress disorder) is a daily plague that hangs over their lives for years. It surfaces in various ways, and unfortunately leads to suicidal tendencies…read more

5 reasons to own an ACC Crappie Stix
November 18, 2020Since entering the market roughly six years ago, ACC Crappie Stix have become an industry standard with their innovation, quality, and customer service. Some people simply call them the “green rods”; others see them as a tool durable and dependable enough to use on a daily basis. We surveyed owner Andy Lehman and president of…read more