Category: Blog Posts

Should New Technologies Prompt Changes In Crappie Conservation?
February 25, 2021By Greg McCain Conservation issues involving crappie populations have been a hot-button topic through the first two months this year. In fact, the debate has raged among fishermen in some states, most notably in Texas, while others are only slowly entering the fray. Regardless of location, the suggestion of imposing more stringent size and creel…read more

The Lithium vs Lead Battery Debate
February 23, 2021By Greg McCain As technology advances, powering motors and electronic units at optimum efficiency remains a need for all fishermen. Whether cranking, trolling, or LiveScoping, batteries are an important but often overlooked element in the overall success of any fishing trip. We’ve all experienced the click of a near-dead or improperly connected cranking battery. We…read more

Pandemic kindles renewed interest in the outdoors
February 12, 2021By Greg McCain To risk the understatement of the century, 2020 was a decidedly different year. With a world-wide pandemic as the backdrop, the world changed before our eyes. Families hunkered down in their homes, changing their normal routines while waiting out the COVID virus. Businesses feared the worst, and at least some of them…read more