Category: Blog Posts

Dock shooting: Tips for beginners

January 11, 2023

By Greg McCain Considering dock shooting but afraid to pull the trigger? Yes, the technique can be intimidating, but the repetitive nature of dock shooting can also be about the best therapy found in fishing. It’s also a deadly presentation when all the elements of fish, fishing conditions, and fisherman mesh together. For those ACC…read more

8 Inexpensive Gift Suggestions for Fisherman

December 14, 2022

By Greg McCain Few things touch a fisherman’s heart more than a nice fishing-related gift under the Christmas tree. Those gifts might range from the simple – think a basic pair of needle-nose pliers – to the far more complex and expensive like advanced electronics. A gift does not have to cost thousands of dollars,…read more

5 Obscure Places to Catch Crappie

December 11, 2022

Crappie have become a very popular species to fish for in the last several years. Known for their abundance, delicious taste, and willingness to bite, it’s no surprise. However, not all crappie fishing spots are well-known or easily accessible. Here are five of the most obscure places to catch crappie: Abandoned Quarries Quarries are often…read more